Wednesday 14 November 2018

Embarking on my mega trip

I have finally embarked on my 2018 year end mega trip ! There's something different this time though. Previously, I will always finalize all my travel plans before travel so that when I begin, I simply follow according to plan without much deviation. 

But this time, I have yet to decide on one leg in this trip, which is immediately after I return to Asia on Asiana airlines flight from the United States. Whether to head to Europe or simply remain in Asia? I've come up with two options for myself. 

First option, I return to Europe, then book a budget flight to the United States, and then redeem a ticket on the world's longest flight from Newark back to Singapore. For this, I'm currently waiting and hoping for a discounted award fare on the date I need to travel. 

If this doesn't work out, then there will be the second option, where I simply remain in Asia. Then I just need to book a short, one-way flight (or ferry!) from South Korea to China.

My decision will likely be made in a week's time, then my entire trip will be finalized.

Anyway, it is a good idea to once again map out my trip using the free online tool great circle mapper. This is following option two of my travel plan, which I thought is the more likely outcome.


From the travel map above, I will be crossing the Atlantic ocean once and the Pacific ocean twice. This trip will also include a round-the-world journey on some consecutive legs of the trip.

The focus of this trip will be Eastern Europe, where I will explore some countries in that region. Below is the map showing part of my trip on Europe and Morroco, Africa (my first time!).


The total distance ? 94,297 km ! Compared to one round of the earth 40,075 km, my trip is more than twice round the earth again! This is slightly less than my trip in June this year. But still, it's a long, long trip.

If I were to follow option one, then the total distance will break my previous record, since I will be traveling from Asia to Europe and then returning to Asia again.

One more thing. Previously I began my travel reviews only after my entire trip is completed. But by then, some of my experiences may have slipped my mind. Thus, this time, I will try to review on the go, so that the experiences remain fresh on my mind and my review will be more detailed for memories' sake. 😀