Thursday 28 June 2018

Thoughts on my most recent trip

It's been a week since I returned from my long haul trip. This post is not on a review, but more generally about my thoughts on travelling.

To me, travelling is an eye-opener. Sometimes, staying in one's own country may limit our vision. By venturing beyond our borders, it exposes us to a broader world and the people out there. There is always something to learn on every trip.

On this particular trip, I have learnt about the goodness in people, as in strangers in a faraway land. There are always good- and bad-natured people around us, whether in my own country or in foreign land. 

While on a ferry from Longyearbyen to Pyramiden, the weather turns cold and windy. My windbreaker, though good, is not exactly sufficient for that kind of weather. After coming ashore in Pyramiden, two tourists on the same ferry ride, unknown to me, lent me a scarf and another windbreaker. Seems like they have brought additional along.

Do they have to lend me? Definitely not. But a kind gesture suggests there are indeed good-natured people around. Even as far away at the top of the world. Probably being the only asian tourist onboard does help. Haha! At the end of the Pyramiden tour, I returned the scarf and the windbreaker. We boarded the same ferry back to Longyearbyen and went our separate ways, probably never to meet again.

This kind act has further encouraged me to venture beyond Singapore, to meet new people in a new environment. As long as I'm able to, I would continue to travel to another new country, where I know I will meet and interact with good-natured people and new experiences to explore.