Sunday 11 December 2016

Long distance coach travel in Northern Norway

The Norwegian train arrived at Fauske station right on time. By now, many of its passengers had already alighted. Out of the train window, I saw my long distance coach already waiting at the adjacent bus station.

Bidding farewell to the Norwegian train. It's a comfortable ride from Trondheim.

My coach transfer. The signboard read 100 bound for Sortland Narvik, which is my next destination. This coach originates from another place. It is timed well for passengers transferring from this train. The coach timings are available from the 177nord website. 

The train left first, and then the coach left. The bus ticket costs $100 to Narvik. Not cheap for a ~5 hour ride compared to the train. The cash is paid directly to the driver. He will issue a ticket.

The bus ticket cannot be purchased online, unlike the train, where I can download the train ticket into my iphone to show to the train conductor.

This particular coach doesn't have power outlet. Luckily I already charged my iphone on the train. So I can capture all the beautiful scenery along the way. Along the way, the driver came and inform me that I need to transfer to another waiting coach. Not sure why. The 177nord timetable didn't mention about the transfer.

There aren't many, if at all, any online review from other people making this journey. Anyway, I must remember to transfer all my luggages to the other coach as well ! 

The coach is 2-2 seating. As comfortable as the train. A fold-down table is provided. There is a personal garbage bin as well.

The bus station in Fauske is conveniently located beside the train station.

There is a small eating place beside the bus station. Must be for the waiting passengers.

Typical Norwegian houses in red

Sun is rising now

Impressive Norwegian fjords

The list of bus stops is available in the 177nord website as well. Very detailed. The coach is never full on this journey and seldom stops.

This photo is taken after we have transferred onto another coach. Fortunately the second coach has power outlets. The coach will drive into this waiting ferry for a ~30 minute ferry transfer. All the passengers will alight and walk up a flight of stairs to a cozy eatery. The eatery has plenty of seats and is not full at all. There are clean restrooms on the ferry as well. My belonging is left in the coach, including my iphone. So I cannot take any picture of the ferry crossing.

The beautiful Norwegian scenery continues on the coach...

The coach arrives into its terminal at Narvik. At the time of boarding, I have informed the driver of my destination - Narvik train station. He agrees to drop me off at the train station😊.

After most passengers alighted at the bus terminal, the driver went down to do some work. Then he returned to the coach and sent me to the train station. Otherwise, it is a relatively long walk from the bus terminal to the train station.

This scandic hotel in Narvik looks far from the bus terminal on the map, but it is surprisingly near in reality.

Finally, I arrived at the Narvik train station to begin the next leg of my journey. This day is really a day of travelling.

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