Tuesday 31 December 2019

Looking back 2019

A lovely morning from Singapore, today is the last day of 2019. A good time to take stock of this year. Personally, 2019 has been a great year for me, not just traveling but also other aspects of my life. It has been a happy year for me too, maybe that's because I have been to 3 disneylands, in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Walt Disney World haha! There is a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment within me!

With regards to travel, 2019 has seen me venture out of my comfort zone into the great unknown. I have travelled to many countries for the first time such as Russia, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Iran and so many more.

It can be a little intimidating when first stepping foot into an unfamiliar country. Of course, I would have done plenty of research online, checking out local transport, accommodation, places of interest and safety issues before venturing into one. But after a while, I will come to enjoy the place.

Sure, I could have "traveled" for thousands of miles in the comfort of my own home by reading. Still nothing beats than experiencing it for myself. Hence the Chinese saying: 读万卷书不如行万里路.

After more than 30 flights and 20 countries during my year end trip, I still yearn for more travel. It seems my wanderlust will last me for quite some time.

Anyway, taking stock of all the countries I have been to since time immemorial,

1. Malaysia
2. Thailand
3. Indonesia
4. Philippines
5. Vietnam
6. Cambodia
7. Myanmar
8. China
9. Hong Kong
10. Taiwan
11. India
12. Sri Lanka
13. Australia
14. New Zealand
15. Brunei
16. Laos
17. Japan
18. South Korea
19. Greece
20. Turkey
21. Holland
22. France
23. Britain
24. Switzerland
25. Denmark
26. Norway
27. Sweden
28. Finland
29. Estonia
30. Latvia
31. Lithunia
32. Hungary
33. Poland
34. Brussels
35. Germany
36. Italy
37. United States
38. Chile
39. Canada
40. Iceland
41. Spain
42. Portugal
43. Mexico City
44. Macedonia
45. Vienna
46. Oman
47. UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi)
48. Qatar
49. Romania
50. Bulgaria
51. Serbia
52. Slovakia
53. Ireland
54. Kazakhstan
55. Ukraine (transit only)
56. Fiji (transit only)
57. Russia
58. South Africa
59. Kenya (transit only)
60. Jordan
61. Cyprus
62. Czech Republic
63. Morocco
64. Georgia
65. Armenia
66. Lebanon
67. Egypt
68. Iran
69. Saudi Arabia (transit only)

Yup, it's a growing list as I embark on more adventures in the near future. In hindsight, I have taken note of some learning points (though I should have known haha!). Always book transport tickets early, be it flights or coaches or trains, when my plans are cast in stone. It is almost always cheaper to do so.

Earlier, I noted that I would like to visit Luxembourg. But I delayed booking the train tickets till on the day itself. End up, it costs much more than I was willing to pay, so I had to visit an alternate destination instead. Lesson learnt. 😀

But it's alright. I have meant to return to Europe at some point in the future, at least once. In a subsequent post, I shall share some of my travel aspirations and plans for the year 2020 and beyond.