Sunday 28 December 2014

Phuket '10

Today let me talk about emigration or relocation. There are many reasons why people emigrate, due to work, for wanting a better life. People always say that the pasture is greener on the other side. I suppose many people emigrate everywhere from around the world, including Singapore. 

From articles that I have read, top reasons why people emigrate from Singapore is that Singapore is too stressful and lack of opportunities. Indeed, my country is small, limiting the opportunities available. Whether is it stressful or not? Well, since I started working, yes, it is stressful. But which career is not? 

Growing up, I did not really feel overly stressful. Talking about my primary and secondary school days. In my time, perhaps competition wasn't so intense among my friends. Yes, we wanted to do well, but we can still find time to do other things.

Of course, now is different. With more people there are more competition and everyone feels the heat. Thinking about this, I'm glad that I was born in the 80s:) The teens now definitely feels the pressure to do well, probably from their parents. 

My parents didn't really give me any pressure. I just wanted to do well. Friends play an important part too. Throughout my education years, I was surrounded by friends, classmates who was easy going and yet also wanted to do well. But this is not intense competition. Rather, we helped out each other.

In the past, I did not set any targets for myself. I only know that I wanted to do well, so I put in effort. My results are not the best, but at the very least, I am able to move on each stage. I am thankful for my friends who helped me out at every stage. I am also thankful to my God, who watched over me and gave me a smooth journey from one stage to the next. Life is always about ups and downs. I am glad that I did not have to go through too much of it. I have been able to get into the school that I want, study the subjects that I want. No regrets. Stress? not really. Or at least I didn't give myself too much of it.

Okay, enough of stress. Talk about Singapore. For now, I don't think I can ever bear to leave Singapore. Having travelled to many countries made me realise even more what Singapore offers that other countries cannot. Safety. Here, we can walk solo day and night without worrying about our safety. Convenience. Public transport, yes though mrts breakdowns and hiccups, but overall still dependable, and bring us everywhere. Cost of living. Articles say that Singapore has a high cost of living. Well, I would say, if compare to asian countries, yes we are expensive. If compared to Australia and Europe, probably not so.

Personally, I think not. Our hawker centres sell many variety of foods for a few dollars. And they are clean and safe to eat. In China, where food safety is an issue. In Europe, I don't think they have food courts or offer similar prices. If we live frugally and simply, we can lead a simple life here.

Of course, I think there are things that Singapore can improve, welfare. I know of countries who provided more welfare benefits than us. Some things we lack: scenery. Our scenic views cannot be compared to Switzerland, Norway, in fact Europe, Australia, New Zealand, some cities of China. I have been to these countries and I am so spell bound by their captivating views that I sometimes wish that I could stay there forever, but alas, we have to come back to reality. Immigration is not an easy thing. It means starting a new life at a new place. There are challenges. I'm definitely not ready, and probably will never be. Perhaps I'm so used to my lifestyle now, that I do not want to embrace changes. For now, I just want to earn $$ and save. Leave this for another day.

Cruise to phi phi island

Nice views !! I always enjoyed sea breeze

The only shopping mall at Patong beach

Chanced upon a lion dance performance

The ubiquitous tuk tuk in Thailand

My favourite.. I'm a fan

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