Thursday 25 December 2014

Taiwan May '09

I have travelled a fair bit to different parts of the world, naturally I will have spent quite a fortune on it. Friends ask me why I would rather spend it like that rather than save it for my future. To this, my reply is:

To me, money is hard earned. I know that since I'm working, and not spending my parents' money. But money is not everything. I have read articles where people spent all or much of their lives working very hard for money and putting it away. When they grow old, for some of them, mobility becomes an issue, and they cannot really travel. Or they may have illnesses and need a lot of money for treatment. At that point, what is the purpose of working so hard when you are going to give it all away to the doctors?

I'm not saying that we shouldn't work hard. I think that we should have a balance between work and play. To me, 'play' means going overseas to enjoy myself, to escape from the stresses of the city life. Money can always be earned. What matters is we enjoy our present life. Life is too short, I want to enjoy it while I still can. 

Some people spend their hard earned money on luxuries such as branded bags, clothes, ... Well, I spend mine on overseas travel. In Singapore, our unemployment rate is low. As long as we are not too demanding, it is easy to find a job and earn money.

Travelling is my hobby, but I'm not too obsessed with it. I have a limit to how much I will spend on travelling. I too know the importance of saving and I do save, but naturally less than my peers. In my few years of backpacking, I have come across globetrotters from other countries. They travel anywhere and everywhere. To sponsor for their trips, they are prepared to work, e.g. in hostels. And when they earn enough, they travel again. I will certainly not be like them. I find comfort in my own home. No matter how far I travel, home is still the best to me.

Okay, just some random thoughts about myself. These are pictures of my Taiwan trip in 2009, a round-the-island tour.


Not sure where is this, but the statue looks nice

At 太魯閣

A dairy farm

At one of Taiwan's many folk villages


I like the twin pagodas

Taipei 故宮

Taiwan is famous for many of their local snacks. I tried some at the Shilin night market.

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