Saturday 27 December 2014

South Korea Dec '09

I will be cutting back on my holiday trips. This will be my 2015 new year resolution. Why? Because now I'm at an age where I need to save up, either for my retirement (This is a big thing in Singapore, everyone is talking on it! ) or to save for a rainy day (having heard this phrase since my younger days). Of course, I am praying very hard that I can be in good shape, so no need to pay the doctors.:) 

I will limit it to 2 trips at the most. As to the countries, I haven't really decided yet. 

Another thing, I'm contemplating a job change. Probably 2015 or 2016, again not decided yet. As anyone who has went through job change, the usual advice is to have at least 6 months your salary in your bank for you to spend. Well, I'm working on it now haha! 

In recent years, I have been dreaming to visit America. Everyone's talking about the Big Apple. Wanted to go there one day. On the other side, there is the Grand Canyon and San Francisco I want go too. Now the question is, since I am in Asia, should I go to these 2 places separately or should I go together in one trip? 

My answer, in 1 trip. Reason: I can save on the air ticket from Asia to America, which can easily come up to S$2k return. So now, I'm just getting started to plan my itinerary which will take a very... very long time...

My plan is to go to Singapore -> New York -> Canada -> Alaska -> San Francisco -> Singapore. For now. Not sure how it will turn out in the end. Hopefully doesn't exceed my budget. But anyway, life is short, if I want to go, better go while I still can. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Just need to watch my budget.

Okay, so much for my dreams. here's the photos to South Korea, my first backpacking trip. 

Somewhere on Jeju Island

I  think this is one of the famous waterfalls in Jeju, forgot its name

Typical Korean meal, with many side dishes, and cheap too!

Tea museum

Grandma and Grandpa rocks. I even brought them home (small one only)

Overlooking Jeju

Domestic flight on Korean Air. I remembered seeing a large group of school children on it. Must be going on an excursion within their country..

An ancient palace. There are many of them in South Korea.

This marks the first spot where in the first time of my life, I see snow falling. How happy am I!

A train, then a cruise to Namiseon island

Where they filmed the winter sonata. Many people took photos along this stretch of the pathway. It was so... 

For lovers.. a bit weird to take this myself.. haha:) 

Going up the Seoul tower in nansan

Christmas decoration outside the tower.

View of Seoul city from the top of the tower

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