Wednesday 11 July 2018

Split to Zagreb Croatian overnight train review

I left a buffer of about 1 hour between the ferry arrival time at Split and the departure time of the overnight train. This turns out to be just right, though slightly risky if the ferry is delayed. Just realized that this seems to be my travelling habit haha!

Dusk in Split

By the time the ferry reaches Split, there are not many passengers onboard. Many had alighted at the smaller towns enroute. After alighting from the enjoyable ferry ride, I walked along the harbour platform, across the road, and I reached a row of eateries. The train station and platform is just behind the eateries.

I don't think there is any food or beverage service on board the train, so I decided to buy some light dinner and water from one of the eateries for my overnight jaunt.

After that, I headed for the train platform. It can be accessed without passing through the ticket office.

Prior to starting this trip, I had purchased the train ticket online. 

The overnight train is already waiting at the platform. Passengers had already started boarding. Without looking at the train display, I guess this has to be my ride, judging from the bunk beds in the train carriage.

After showing my printed ticket to the attendant standing at the train door, I went up to locate my numbered cabin and bed. Turns out, it is the first cabin along the corridor and I was allocated the lowest bunk bed. This is great as I don't have to heave my bag up the middle or upper bunk.

The cabin was not full. In the end, I guess I was the only passenger booked in this cabin, though another passenger came into this cabin to sleep as well. This made for a spacious and comfortable night for me! 

From what I see, there is no AC or fan in the bunk. Only a window which can be opened. A thin mattress cover and pillow is provided. The bed itself makes for a decent sleep.

My 6-bed bunk

There is a door which can be closed and locked.

As the train begins its journey, the same attendant came into the cabin and held on to my ticket. He said he will wake me up on approach into Zagreb and wished me good night in friendly English.

I believed the train made stops along the trip, but no one came into this cabin.

Again, I believe I'm the only Asian tourist on this train. 😀

The train arrived into Zagreb on time. By then, the sky had turned into bright morning.

The train attendant came by to return my ticket as I woke up, informing me that the train will reach in 15 minutes time. After a change of clothes and without washing up (I'm usually not keen in using train toilets), I alighted from the train, ready to explore Zagreb !

My train at Zagreb station

Overall, a decent way to arrive into Zagreb. I felt safe during the entire journey, even with the door slightly kept open for ventilation. Though I probably won't take this train again since I won't be visiting Croatia again in the short term. There are still so many wonderful countries in the world for me to explore !

There is not much in the way of scenery since I travel overnight. Zagreb train station is conveniently located in the city centre, which makes exploring the city on foot easy after exiting the train station.