Tuesday 13 January 2015

Bangkok '11

How many years do we hope to live? Forever? With all the science and technologies we inherited from the past, we have yet to invent one that allows us to live forever. There will come a time where all of us will have to depart from this world. The big question is when? Different people have different answers to my above question. For the abled, they want to live as long as possible. For those who are down with illnesses and suffering as a result, some may choose to end their suffering to relieve their pain. 

I believe nobody has the answer to this question. I have read so many times in the newspapers. An abled and healthy person with seemingly perfect health can pass away just like that. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. We can only pray.

Back to myself. If I were to answer my own question, truth be told, I live everyday as if there's no tomorrow. I am thankful for every new day that I see. In the papers, there are countless cases of people who pass on way younger than me due to various reasons.

I am thankful for many things. First, I'm thankful to have a blissful family. I receive tender and loving care from both my parents. I'm thankful to receive a sound and smooth education in Singapore. Whatever education route I chose, I have achieved it. I'm now comfortable in my career, earning a decent salary to support myself and my parents. Though this may change soon, but that's for another story.

Anyway, I'm thankful that I have lived to my present age. I feel that I have travelled enough, I have seen the world. I have no regrets at all. Certain things that I cannot achieve in life, I can only resign to fate, not that I'm sad, but I accepted it as part of my life. As to how many years I hope to live? I do not have an answer, neither do I want to think about it. This question, only God has the answer. I leave it to my destiny.

For now, I embrace each new day as it comes. I accept whatever challenges come in my way. I'm thankful for all the help given to me, by wonderful people all around me. So that's my life!

Time to put these philosophical thoughts aside. Enjoy the photos from Bangkok! This is my second time to the capital. Sadly, the first time I went with my family was when I was 12 years old. At that time, digital camera has yet to arrive, so I only have film photos.

I like the temples and pagodas of Bangkok 

I have this unexplainable habit of always taking photos of buses, trams, trains, etc whenever I'm overseas. Must be when I was young I used to take buses many times, sometimes just for fun:) Anyway, looking at this picture, I'm thankful for Singapore buses.

Spoilt for choices, shopping in Bangkok. So many malls, so cheap prices! 

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